Preliminary Application

Ready to kickstart your journey? Begin your application now! Share a bit about yourself and your aspirations, and let's explore the best funding or payment plan options for you.

After you complete your course and are ready to land your new CDL job, we'll connect you with potential employers immediately. We're with you every step of the way, so feel free to reach out with any questions.

Don't wait – take the first step today with your preliminary application!


Here's a description of the logo for Taylor Made Truck Driving School that a 10-year-old might understand:


Justin Minne
Justin Minne
a month ago
Great school! Great instructors. Went above and beyond for me personally which I really appreciated. They teach the pre trip really well too. Patient if you pick it up slow.…
BenE Beckham
BenE Beckham
3 weeks ago
I'm one of those guys who take a little longer to learn things. So I took 2 months to complete and pass all of my state testing. TaylorMade TDS stayed…
Pedro Garcia
Pedro Garcia
7 months ago
I just graduated from this school today 3/9/24 I feel totally confident that I can be a safe driver because of the instructions I received from the instructors. Tina was…
Justin Minne
Justin Minne
a month ago
Great school! Great instructors. Went above and beyond for me personally which I really appreciated. They teach the pre trip really well too. Patient if you pick it up slow.…
BenE Beckham
BenE Beckham
3 weeks ago
I'm one of those guys who take a little longer to learn things. So I took 2 months to complete and pass all of my state testing. TaylorMade TDS stayed…
Justin Minne
Justin Minne
a month ago
Great school! Great instructors. Went above and beyond for me personally which I really appreciated. They teach the pre trip really well too. Patient if you pick it up slow.…